Primary School



Bathampton Primary School is a village school in an idyllic setting next to the Avon Canal. It has been described as a ‘hidden gem’. The school is actually quite close to the centre of Bath, but this can be hard to believe. The school is a friendly school with high standards and with a strong parent teacher organisation. The school building is a mixture of Victorian and modern having benefited from a well designed extension opened in 1990. It is well resourced and has excellent facilities. There are currently 106 pupils, aged between 4 and 11.

There are four classes. Class 4 has pupils in Reception and Year 1, Class 3 has Year 1 and Year 2 pupils, Class 2 mainly Years 3 and 4, and Class 1 pupils in Years 5 and 6. Having mixed classes means that teachers have to plan in great detail to meet the needs of all pupils in their class. The school tries to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their ability, are both supported and challenged. The school’s S.A.Ts results show that most pupils achieve above the national average for their age. The school believes in providing a broad curriculum, with plenty of opportunities for pupils to have practical and interesting learning experiences.

The school has a purpose built sports field, and a fitness track. Changing rooms are available for older pupils. There is a large covered play-area that is popular for quieter games, and imaginative play. There is a wild area and a pond in the school grounds for environmental study. There are opportunities for pupils to join extra curricular clubs. These change from time to time but include Football, Netball, Lace-making, Dance and recorders. The school football team recently won the local Small Schools 5 a side Championship, and is doing very well in the local League. There is a wide range of opportunities for pupils to learn musical instruments, and the school has an excellent reputation for music. The school takes part in the Bath Stages Dance Festival, and pupils engage in the performing arts. Pupils have swimming lessons at the Bath Leisure Centre.

The school is soon to have a purpose built Craft Room with a Kiln. This will be known as the Anna Grayson Craft Room, thanks to her generosity. Delicious smells drift from our Cookery Room, which is used by small groups.
Mrs Mayes is the teacher in charge of Special Needs. Pupils who require extra help with their learning have the support of Learning Support Assistants. The school now has a specialist computer based programme to support pupils in literacy and numeracy called Successmaker. The school computers are soon to be networked, and connected to the internet. This will mean that all pupils will be able to have email pals in other schools and use the web for research.

The Friends’ of Bathampton’ have raised money for computers, play equipment and other benefits for the children. They also put on enjoyable fund-raising events. There are many other ways in which parents support the school, such as helping with cooking, art, listening to children read and coaching football. Parents also provide practical support in many different ways. These links help build the sense of community that makes the school seem so friendly.

Although not a church school we have close links with the local church. Paul Burden, the vicar makes regular visits and gives assemblies. We also have regular assemblies from Peter Atwill the Canal Chaplain. The school holds special services in St Nicholas’ Church.

If you are thinking of sending your child to this school why not visit and see for yourself. The Headteacher, Paul Falkus, will be pleased to meet you and show you around. School Website
