

Bathampton Organisations



Try your hand

A craft group meeting once a week during the winter months to learn different skills and to enjoy each other’s company.

Subjects as varied as patchwork, calligraphy, play reading, parchment craft, cross-stitch to dancing and homemade chocolates are just some of the many that have been tried successfully.

Meets:- Village Hall : 2 – 4 p.m. : Wednesday afternoons September to April

Bathampton Pre-School Playgroup

The Playgroup meets in the Village Hall and caters for children aged 2 ½ to 5 years.

It opens from 9.30-12.00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays during school term time.

Having been established for nearly 30 years Bathampton Playgroup continues to provide a safe caring environment for children to learn through play. The Playgroup has an excellent range of equipment, which facilitates various types of play including physical, imaginative and manipulative.

Visitors are always welcome.

Bathampton Scottish Dancers

Meet in the Village Hall

Thursday afternoons 1:30pm to 3:30pm

September to May

New Dancers welcome

The Inward Adventure

A blend of TaiChi, Qigong & Yoga
The Chinese Five Phases – a map of Life
A new health dynamic for your future



Pilates and Zumba

Pilates classes Tuesday and Thursday.  Zumba Dance Thursday.

Phone Lesley: (01225) 421206

Mobile: 07960 888557




The Association organises regular monthly walks in the area.

A guide “Walks around Bathampton” describes 12 circular walks of varying lengths around the countryside on the eastern edge of Bath. Although all the walks can be started in Bathampton, many can be accessed equally easily in Batheaston and Bathford. The area covered stretches from Solsbury Hill to Monkton Combe, taking in a great swathe of countryside on the north, east and south of Bath.
It has maps for each walk and many photographs, all in colour. It contains a historical foreword by local historian, Stuart Burroughs, and points of interest for each walk.
The book retails at £4.95 and can be obtained from Helen Nandi (01225 460095)

Helping Hands

bathampton helping hands

To contact secretary, see village notice boards

Bathampton Morris Men

For information click on Morris Men

Bathampton Scouts

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Guides, Brownies,


Other Organisations

Gardeners’ Association, Bridge Club.


The primary aim of the Group is to research and record the history of the parish of Bathampton with the ultimate aim of publishing their findings.

This small Group of volunteers meets monthly and welcomes anyone interested in participating with its aims and objectives.

The Group also welcomes enquiries or contact from anyone wishing to share their memories of the parish or material such as photographs.

See also History.

Look out for our book Bathampton Down  –  A  Hill Divided due to be published Spring, 2017

Contact details: Gill Huggins

24 Warminster Road Bathampton  BATH  BA2 6SA

Tel. 01225 460047

or Mary Clark on 01225 722376 –

